11/02/2006 PubNight #49 - Mother's Federal Hill Grille

This week we make an overdue trip to back to Federal Hill for the first time since PN#2 and visit Mother's. I would have more exciting things to say about them had I ever been to the bar, but it's beloved by several of our regulars so it must be good. Lauren suggests we establish an early foothold at the bar, as it gets crowded later in the evening:

As for reasons to celebrate this week, we all made it through another Halloween without getting arrested, overdosing like the people we dressed up as, or being involved a trip to the emergency room. That's an improvement over last year for at least one of us. Chuck in particular wants a trip out this week, claiming he can "hear the call of alcoholism". We're not surprised--like many of our regulars, alcoholism has Chuck on its speed-dial.

Mother's do you think we're good enough?
-Your four healthy and clean Baltimore babies

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